Internet Goosing the Antithesis

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Why I don't respect Christians

Why don't I respect Christians ?

* Indoctrinating Christianity in children is child abuse. Most Christian parents should be in jail. Not to mention that most mothers who kill their children are fanatic Christians. In general, the whole concept of Christianity is to exploit the powerless, and it feeds on powerlessness, ignorance and suffering.

* Christianity is demeaning. It teaches us that man is a cog is an unknowable divine plan, that anything man does that is not about God is worthless, that material happiness is irrelevant, and that the eradication of disease and poverty, that man's greatest accomplishments, are ultimately futile.

* Christianity teaches that God-belief, not actions, determine the moral worth of a person. It teaches us not to judge, not to evaluate, not to think. Whereas one must evaluate how other people contribute to one's own life and that of others, Christianity encourages people to corrupt society by refusing to judge.

* Christianity corrupts man's natural values by enforcing a belief system based on religion, race, sexual orientation and gender. It teaches us not to think of individuals as individuals with their own values and virtues, but as stereotypes.

* Christianity stands in opposition to man's greatest motor for progress, science. Its central tenents (everything coming from nothing, a man raised from the dead, the afterlife) are completely anti-scientific. In fact, it stands against ALL attempts at explanation, by making reality subjective to a god's will. If all that we can say is "God did it", then we must live in mystery, fear and ignorance.

* Christianity is an ideology of fear. Fear of death, fear of morality, fear of disaster, fear of uncertainty, fear of Hell, fear of God. There is no love in it, only desperation.

* Just like statism, Christianity teaches people to deal with each other not by discussion and debate, or by compassion, but by dogma and force. When one excludes reason and objectivity, the only ways to settle disagreements are by conversion, deconversion, and coercion.

So the Christian, whether he believes in these things or not, sanctions their continued existence. I don't respect Christians because of that sanction. The only good Christian is a deconverted ex-Christian.

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At 6/22/2005 5:28 PM, Blogger Aaron Kinney declaimed...

Wow! Kickass article. I especially like the third bullet point about morality.

Ive heard that Canada isnt as Christian as America, but I imagine its close. Do you happen to have any Christian/atheist/other religion figures available for Canada, Franc?

At 6/22/2005 5:50 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

The percentage of Christians in Canada and US is the same.

At 6/22/2005 9:49 PM, Blogger Aaron Kinney declaimed...

Really? Damn thats too bad.

At 6/23/2005 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

Remember the christian doesn't choose to believe any of those things - the laws of physics just act on him in certain ways which compel his mind to hold those convictions.

At 6/23/2005 8:36 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

Derek, shut up.

At 6/23/2005 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

Can't hide from the facts francois

At 6/23/2005 9:16 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

Your facts have nothing to do with anything I was saying.

At 6/23/2005 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

I think Mr Sansone will have to disagree with you on that one...Your not invited fools to speak on your radio show are you?

At 6/23/2005 9:35 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

We talked about this last time. Description and prescription. I thought you understood this.

At 6/23/2005 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

Afraid not sir can you explain them again?

At 6/23/2005 9:40 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

If you'd answer your cell phone, yea...

At 6/23/2005 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

Turning on my cell phone presupposes the laws of logic...And you've presuuposed than I am Derek Sansone... But logic is fluff...And me being Derek Sansone is fluff.

Oh well let me leave you with a fitting quote from the real Derek Sansone:

“Now I can’t disprove the existence of God or the existence of the supernatural occurrences with mathematical certainty. But what I will do is show you how reasonable, based on the evidence we have, that the supernatural does not exist. I am going to assume that many of you here tonight have helped put a puzzle together. When you sat down and choose which piece of the puzzle to pick up, it was because you had chosen to put the puzzle together. And within this task you must carry out the human mechanics necessary to accomplish the ultimate goal of completing the puzzle. Evidently you choosing to put the puzzle together were more desirable than the contrary. Why? Only you know. Maybe there was a prize for who finished first? Maybe there was an attractive man or woman that was asking you to contribute and you hadn’t had a date in two years? Anyway, as you picked up a piece that most resembles the space that it fit in, you weren’t free to choose, because the puzzle is now the external force that requires you to have to choose. You’ve agreed to contribute now and you must pick these pieces up. So you are now a passive agent as opposed to an active agent. You didn’t initiate the puzzle task - you are just simply participating out of a desire. And this desire to take part came from a prior cause somewhere in your past. Was this exposure escapable? I don’t think so….

“You are determined by a social construct. These parameters are boundaries of possible thoughts that came at a forced price - meaning that you are not free from any of them. Now the ‘them’ are the only tools that you can possibly revert to when choosing something. You don’t even have freedom to move within the parameters, because your memory governs or dictates what you will imagine when weighing up the potential effects related to all possible potential choices. You don’t even have freedom to move within the parameters”

So we always choose what we desire, but something else is always the cause of those desires….Well, I never thought I’d hear an atheist sound quite so much like Jonathan Edwards!

At 6/23/2005 10:37 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

Who are you and what the hell is your problem, anonymous coward ?

At 6/24/2005 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

hey anon,

A=A > you lose. :)

At 6/24/2005 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...


B=B > you lose. ;)

At 6/24/2005 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

"Check your premises. B does not equal B it equals C"

Wow so B=C now! Does that mean that A does not equal A anymore? I'll have to come up with a new 'line' if not... :)

At 6/24/2005 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

As a staunch Roman Catholic there's only one thing I've got to say to you guys...I'll pray for you!

At 6/24/2005 3:03 PM, Blogger Toad734 declaimed...

No to mention Christians typically deviate far from Christianity in their actions, and in their pursuit of exposing and harassing non Christians.

At 7/01/2005 10:17 PM, Blogger John Paraiso declaimed...

You can't respect people who can't respect themselves.

Does a guy think he came from dirt (Genesis 2:7) have any self-respect?

At 7/09/2005 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous declaimed...

I'll take dirt over slime any day! and it's kind of a nice chiastic structure, dirt -- human -- dirt again, doncha think?

this blog is a kick.

At 10/20/2009 10:07 PM, Blogger Josh declaimed...

You criticize Christians for being stereotypical, and yet this whole article is about how you can't respect a single Christian because apparently (based on what you've said in this article) every single Christian in the world acts this way. By contradicting yourself, you have made me doubt the validity of this article.

"So the Christian, whether he believes in these things or not, sanctions their continued existence." -How does that even make sense?

Also, in many of your points, you didn't provide support or evidence. Have you even read The Bible?

This article is not an educated expression of ideas, but a list of accusations against a group of people that the original poster is a) ignorant of, b) envious of, or c) ridiculously biased against.

In the future, please try to convey your anger and wrath in a more constructive way.

Also, don't try to start an argument with me. I'll probably never see this webpage again.


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