Internet Goosing the Antithesis

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Loftus the Great vs. Wood the Deluded

Pastor-turned-atheist John Loftus is debating the eeeeeevil David Wood. Really though, David is not evil, but he is a theist.

Anyway, I'm watching it all unfold, and so should you.

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At 7/18/2007 6:56 AM, Blogger Tom Corbett declaimed...

Wood claims to have been an atheist, and Francois remarks at John's site that 99% of these types of claims have been found to be false.

Oddly, I have found that 99% of the claims that atheists make to have been Christians are false.

At 7/18/2007 1:28 PM, Blogger Zachary Moore declaimed...

Well, mark me down in that 1%...

Although, I fail to see the relevance of claiming to have once accepted a worldview that you have since rejected. Atheists become Christians, and Christians become Atheists. The fact that any particular worldview has apostates does not discredit its veracity, so I'm of the opinion that we should accept such claims at their word. If David Wood says he was an atheist, that's fine by me.

At 7/18/2007 4:31 PM, Blogger Aaron Kinney declaimed...


Thats funny, because 99% of the atheists I know really are former Christians.

Including John Loftus, who was a preacher of all things.

At 7/18/2007 6:12 PM, Blogger Tom Corbett declaimed...

I see, but if a Christian say they were a former atheist, then they are lying 99% of the time?

I get it now.

Double standard.

At 7/18/2007 6:51 PM, Blogger Zachary Moore declaimed...

No, that's not what I've said at all. Don't look for what's not there.

At 7/19/2007 7:13 PM, Blogger HellboundAlleee declaimed...

Yes, Goldstein. Because if you are listening in church, you are required to do a little advertising for your religion. Jesus said that there are certain types of lies, the types you tell if you want to make a Jew follow Him, that are not as bad as other lies.

Atheists don't have such a rule.

So, the Church has a history of claiming that there are different levels of truth.

No "double standard" here. Just an actual organizing principle that promotes lying to "save" others compared to no organizing principle. There, you see? Plus we have that little problem where most people follow the religion of their prevailing culture, and, well, hardly any atheism comes from any prevailing culture, especially here in the US.

Now, if we were talking about pro-government atheists claiming to be former market anarchists, well, that would be another story.

At 7/19/2007 8:35 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

"I see, but if a Christian say they were a former atheist, then they are lying 99% of the time?"

Yes, they are.

"I get it now.

Double standard."

What double standard?

At 7/19/2007 8:36 PM, Blogger Francois Tremblay declaimed...

"Oddly, I have found that 99% of the claims that atheists make to have been Christians are false."

Most of them claim to have believed in God and Jesus, and the Bible. Indeed, it was their belief in the Bible which generally made them READ the damn book and realize how nonsensical it is.


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